indiemehfil presents Songwriter’s Workshop with Saby Singh

Primary school is when I wrote my first song. Part of a fun little competition with my cousins on who could write an original song, I managed to do it. Of course, it wasn’t a very good song, but it planted the idea.

Over the past two decades, I have written extensively and songwriting has been an active vocation and training to this day.

In the summer of 2020, my first songwriting workshop (Indie 101) ensued and over the past 4 years, I have had the privilege to coach hundreds of people in their journey into the independent scene.

Multiple iterations and significant innovations later, it is an honour to announce the first offline edition of the songwriter’s workshop.

The most important learning so far has been that songwriting is not as much about the technique as it is about the mindset and behaviour. To have an original voice while being authentic is not as difficult as it seems to be.

In this masterclass, we dive deep into the mind of a modern-day songwriter and understand what changes can be made to significantly alter the state of affairs – be it the songwriting part or how to navigate a career as an artist.

If you are confused about what to do and how to do it, if you find it frustrating to hone an effective process and if staying original feels a little too overwhelming, then this workshop is for you.

A 3-hour workshop where we talk about –

  • mindset and behaviour strategies
  • efficient songwriting techniques
  • creating and honing an original voice

We invite you to be a part of this experience and watch a new perspective emerge, and an original voice ensue, as we dive deep into the psychological, philosophical and practical approaches to how to be a successful songwriter.

26 May, Sunday | Noida | 4 pm onwards

Chai on the house. ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)

Workshop Fee: 1,499/-

To register, send a text on WhatsApp and I will see you in Noida.

Note: Consider taking notes, carry a notebook and a pen. Also, consider bringing your instrument along.